
This bot is a Robot Wars Extreme Warriors entry which is based much on Agitator's concept, but has two less (but twice as powerful) NPC-1200 drive motors,
twice as many batteries, and an NPC-X950 Etek motor driving the spinner. The spinner is different and the chassis is made of 1/8" thick Stainless steel.
It was designed to solve the problems encountered previously, when Agitator fought at BB's. The chassis sheetmetal was laser cut and
formed at Star Precision, the welded at the Dojo. The Lincoln 175 does great for this material. The wheels are custom machined-from-billet Go-Ped wheels,
from EngineTrix, and fortunately, are the same as what was in Pyramidroid, as the delivery was late before it had to go to London to fight in
The Propeller-Head design was terrific at RWEW2 and it should have a good future there, along with its sister Agitator, at BB's.
Two sets of sheetmetal was made up to build two distinct robots for both venues.
Building Propeller-Head
Propeller-Head after RWEW2
Gouges in chassis from my nemisis, Revolutionist
Twisted propeller from hundreds of hits on competitors